How It Works

We designed with a wealth of features to make it both easy to use and powerful. Ballot participation rate, or full results (you choose) can be viewed "live" by your election officials. Printout and/or archive the results when the election closes.

For the election administrator: Are you someone who just needs to "get this done ASAP" and do not have the time to add another task to your schedule? Our experienced staff can set up and run your election. We act as an independent third party to administer the ballot and make sure that everything goes smoothly.

Ballot access is web based, so no special software is required for your members. We contact your members by email and/or post and provide the ballot registration information they need to vote. Voter turnout will improve. You take the credit. Do you have members who do not use email or even a computer? We have a solution.

For the voter: casting a ballot is quick and easy; all that is needed to vote is a computer, smart phone, or tablet with access to the internet, or just a regular telephone. If you have an email account, you can receive a link to your ballot electronically. We can also send you a first class letter or postcard containing your voting information which can then be used to vote on-line or you can mail back the paper ballot to us for counting. Try a Demo Vote.

We provide a variety of services and price ranges depending on the size of your voter group. Our system has been used by groups as small as 30 and as large as 60,000+ potential voters. The cost per voter is far less than the cost of printing and mailing a "paper" ballot, and since the results of the election are automatically tallied in real-time and available immediately, the labor and potential human error of vote counting is minimized.

Here are the steps (try it now) that a voter would take; total time, less than a minute:

  • Voter receives email invitation to vote in their personal email account and/or post card or ballot letter mailed first class.

    (The invitation includes a link to our secure site with the voter's personal registration code embedded. Once a ballot has been cast using this code, it will not work again.)

  • Voter clicks the link in the email invitation. The ballot automatically loads in the voter's browser. No password typing needed.

  • Voter makes selections of candidates. A verification screen then shows the candidates chosen, and alerts about any undervotes. The voter can return to the ballot to make changes if necessary.

  • Upon submission, the voter can send comments about the election, or see current vote counts (both are administrative options). Done!

  • Paper ballots can still be used for those members that can't (or won't) use a computer, and vote tallies can be made electronically.


Elections with E A S E : Economical, Anonymous, Secure, Easy!